M45 - Pleiades (Seven Sisters)               (image above is reduced-size | other sizes:  medium , original)

Distance:  400 light years

Telescope Takahashi FS-60C @ f/6.2
Mount Takahashi EM200 Temma II
Camera QSI 540wsg @ -15C
Filters Astrodon Tru-Balance I-Series LRGB Gen 2
Guider SX Lodestar
Settings 6x15min L; 1x5min ea RGB (all bin1x1); AstroArt5, CS4 (cropped, 10xdarks/flats/fdarks/bias)

4 October 2014 - Las Cruces, NM

Published in, 27 Feb 15 (screenshot).
9 Dec 14:
     - 1st slot in "December 2014 Night Sky Photos"

Correct backfocal distance with Tak flattener and longer Lum subs (but only 1 minute each RGB (!) as it was a late target for the night) - improved result over last year's attempt. Now picking up outer dust areas, even from my orange/red-level light polluted backyard (to that end, was a challenge reducing LP gradient).

Copyright  Jeffrey O. Johnson

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