NGC 3718 ("curvy" galaxy with smaller NGC 3729 above it)       (image above is reduced-size crop | other sizes:  medium , large)

Distances:  52 million light years (NGC 3718), 65 million light years (NGC 3729)
*** Small "grouped" galaxies to left of NGC 3718 are HCG #56 --- and 400 million light years away!

Telescope Takahashi TOA-130F @ f/7.7
Mount Astro-Physics AP1100GTO (on ATS pier)
Camera QSI 690wsg @ -10C
Filters Astrodon H-alpha (3nm bandwidth), Astrodon Tru-Balance I-Series LRGB Gen 2
Guider SX Lodestar
Settings 20x5min, 5x10min L (bin1x1); 4x5min ea RGB (bin2x2); AstroArt5, PI, CS4 (uncropped, 10xdarks/flats/fdarks/bias)

24 May 2023 - Las Cruces, NM

This image is LRGB.
From wiki:
NGC 3718, also called Arp 214, is a galaxy located approximately 52 million light years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major.[4][2][5] It is either a lenticular or spiral galaxy.

NGC 3729 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major. It is located at a distance of circa 65 million light years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, means that NGC 3729 is about 60,000 light years across. It was discovered by William Herschel on April 12, 1789.

There are several theories and model results of the possibility of past gravitational intereaction between NGC 3718 and NGC 3729, one paper is here:

Copyright  Jeffrey O. Johnson

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